Some ups some downs

Life follows a bumpy road at the moment – though in the scheme of life I lead a good one. I go to bed at night, my kids tucked up nice and warm, with food in their bellies, love in their hearts. Can’t ask more than that can I.

A wonderful hump in the road was yesterday when I travelled down to Berry in the disgusting foul weather, to show the Wonderful Manager of the Flying Pig Precinct some of my experimental new projects that I thought she might like.

She snapped them up, snaring one for herself, with much excitement about getting some more.

I love that when that happens as it makes all the random creative thoughts in my head that manifest themselves into projects, worthwhile.

I’m still pondering the direction Moggy and Me is going in but figure its a case of ‘one day at a time, one foot in front of the other’ for the moment. Everything will fall into place I am sure.

2 comments on “Some ups some downs

  1. 2paw says:

    I love that quote about making the best of everything. It’s true. How lovely that you had a wonderful hump in the road. (Because if I just write wonderful hump it sounds inappropriate!!)I love that your creativity and hard work is appreciated and celebrated!!

  2. RoseRed says:

    That is a great quote! If we didn’t have the downs in life, then we wouldn’t appreciate the ups so much, I think.

    Great news about Flying Pig! Always good for the soul when others appreciate your creativity (especially when they splash out the cash for them!)

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